Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring is Breaking Out All Over

Just returned from outside where the temperature is hovering around 70... it seems that Spring has really arrived this year!

And while the outdoors beckons, like most of you, I have to work, so here I am at my computer.

With the onset of Spring is the annual Spring Break. For folks who are parents who actually have to go to work during Spring Break rather than go to exotic beach destinations, the City of Takoma Park's recreation department offers.... Spring Break Camp!

From March 29 through April 2nd, you can deposit your little charges with our Rec. staff and they can enjoy a camp themed "Best of Summer..."

Highlights of this year's camp include the return of Jali-D to share his musical talents, camp fires, obstacles courses, swimming, rock climbing, DDR, outdoor play and arts and crafts! Sounds like fun! Unfortunately for me, the age range for this particular camp is 5 to 11.

The camp runs from 9 - 4 each day, with before- and after-care available so you can extend the day from 7 AM until 6 PM. For more information, call the Recreation Department at 301-891-7290, or go to their online registration page.